A Patent Attorney Can Help You Get Your Business Started

This is a critical decision that can supercharge your business. You feel so excited; you can’t keep a thought from your mind. Your mind is churning out ideas and plans all night. All you want to do now is get on the ground and make it happen. People are often so...

Choosing a Patent Attorney in Aurora IL Is Easy

Patent attorneys are lawyer with experience in intellectual property law that relates to safeguarding and securing rights in an invention. Patent lawyers in Aurora IL have successfully passed the federal exam called the “patent bar” that gives them the right to...

Intellectual Property Infringement and Patent Law

The breach of an intellectual property right is known as intellectual property infringement. For instance, using a third party’s image, trademark, logo, design, etc. as your own can constitute copyright infringement, trademark infringement, or both. Using someone...

Patent Infringement Lawyers at Sherinian Law

Patent infringement is the situation that arises when someone uses, sells, offers to sell, or imports a patented invention without the permission of the inventor, manufacturer, or business. When a person makes a product and sells the idea without the prior permission...